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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 4th May 2017, 14:19

You probably know that soon there will be the Adventure Jam 2017.

I am registered as Simon Says Play. The Jam begins tomorrow, May 5th, but I am busy with Boïnihi and will not start working before May 8th (monday) at best.

In the meantime I would like to try to find ideas, in order to be ready to start working as soon as possible. And I was wondering if you would like to help me with the story? Roger? Juanjo, others? I don't force anyone, I can find the ideas on my own, but it's more fun to involve you Smile

My project for the jam will be in the Black Cube series because it is easier for me in a limited time (I know the world very well, I can use some existing assets such as the astronaut, textures, CSE spaceships...)

I would like to do something that creates a strong relationship between the hero and his AI (in a good or bad way).
The AI would be named DIAM (an anagram of MAID, the AI of ASA) and would be a unique custom version created by a scientist (the hero) in order to make his creation as close as possible to a human being. So DIAM can theorically be downloaded in various modules and places, in order to interact with them (it can drive a small spaceship, interact with the environment, etc). So we can say that DIAM has a body somehow, and it has the hability to talk with the hero.

The heros would start in a spaceship heading for Catyph. For a reson (yet to find) they become interested in one of its moons (not Tytaah again! Enough of it!). This moon is Kel Leda, and is inspired by the real moon of Saturn, Enceladus. It is a moon made of ice outside, but under the ice there is a vast ocean. This ocean is liquid and has a warm temperature thanks to a magmatic activity. As a result it can potentially shelter life!

Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Hydrothermal_activity_on_Enceladus

The hero astronaut cannot visit Kel Leda himself, because his spacesuit is not prepared for underwater exploration, so he sends DIAM in a module (small submarine/spaceship), under the icy surface through a tunnel in a geyser. DIAM follows your orders (or not) in order to visit a small part of the ocean. You see the progress of DIAM on your monitor in the spaceship, thanks to a camera on its module.
I want this game to be short of course, but on the other hand I think there is a good potential for an interesting game. The gameplay could be something a little like J.U.L.I.A. Among The Stars. A simple point and click, with narrative elements and simple puzzles.

Writing the story
The above is all I have so far, and I need to find more ideas to write the scenario. Why were they going to Catyph? What catched their attention on Kel Leda? What will happen i the ocean? Where will they find the Black Cube of this game, and what will happen? Is there life on Kel Leda? Microscopic, or humanoid, or monsters? And is it affected by the Cube? How, why, etc...

Please share your ideas during the weekend!
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Messages : 3656
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Age : 41
Localisation : France

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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Juanjo_LS 4th May 2017, 15:57

Absolutely fantastic concept, BRAVO!

I love the idea of exploring the moon with a robot (or submarine/spaceship) and not directly, it's refreshing!

And I'm sorry if I can not help you more but I'm pretty busy with my entry for the jam, I still have many things to determine and tomorrow starts everything! Aaaahhh !!!

I hope tomorrow can share the details of my entry...
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 4th May 2017, 16:35

Ahah yes I know. Tomorroooooooow! affraid

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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by RogerCAKT 4th May 2017, 16:48

If I get a chance, I will put together some ideas (already got one or two). I have an exam on Saturday at 14:30 for two hours, but Maura is working that night so I am a bit more free in the evening! Whooppeeeee!!!
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 4th May 2017, 16:52

You sound like a student who just got rid of his parents.

I can't wait to read your ideas Wink
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by RogerCAKT 4th May 2017, 16:56

I got rid of my parents years ago!
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Prom361 5th May 2017, 06:46

ahah i have ask you question for this new prokect on other topic. i have my answer here Smile thank

then a new adventure game ?
i have no understand: you see the camera fix on the modul (first person game) ? or the camera watch the modul and we see this modul move in the ocean (third person game) ?

it's not easy for idea, there are lot of possibility: maybe an island with a big E.T. city !
you can find a city at the bottom of the sea !
and the modul DIAM need open door or other mecanism with a small mecanic arm Smile like in catyph (or asa, in the world with 2 dragons)

but for an adventure game, it's maybe limited ? just two arm for interactive ?
i don't know how are your modul DIAM, maybe it's humanoid ?

if the DIAM has its own character... Maybe she can do what she wants, or not keep our orders?
It complicates the programming, and it makes me think of another game that was in the same genre: it was necessary to help a person to leave a prison by opening doors or attracting him with lights etc.
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Date d'inscription : 2016-02-04
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 5th May 2017, 09:35

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Denis Wink

It will be a first person game. A little different than usual!

I don't know if I will put an alien city under the sea. It's a lot of work for a small project (remember, 15 days to create the game!).
I was more planning to do simple environments, and strange events. But I don't know...

Indeed I was initially thinking of a submarine with 2 arms like in Catyph, but it was complicated to create in the game engine. So I prefer to do something more normal.
DIAM will be travelling in a kind of probe. This probe can interact with the environment in different ways, but in first person view we won't see how.

Yes DIAM will have the possibility to do what she wants, and she can desobey orders sometimes. However it will not be in the game programming, but more something scripted in the story.

For the moment I'm just looking for the main story. Why are they here, what can they find in the ocean? I will work on the rest later. I want it to be a short game, easy to create in 15 days, but yet it can be interesting for people who enjoy point and click adventures.
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Messages : 3656
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Age : 41
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 6th May 2017, 07:36

Just wanted to let you know that I am still interested in ideas for the story/world. I didn't start working on the Jam yet, so if you want to get involved somehow, you can still make suggestions until monday Wink (if you want!)

For the beginning I also look for an idea of puzzle, in order to transfer the memory of DIAM into a flying probe. Basically, DIAM is an AI (a computer program) that is stored in the main spaceship. The probe on the other hand is an empty module that is usually guided at distance. The purpose is to send the program of DIAM into the probe, to allow it to become autonomous.
That is what I would like to do for the first puzzle. If possible it has to be quite easy, and should be solved on computer screens by pressing buttons and bypassing securities, that kind of thing.
Any idea? Smile
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Messages : 3656
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Age : 41
Localisation : France

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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Yazorius 6th May 2017, 10:24

I think that you could create puzzle like that, in aim to transfer the meemory of DIAM into the probe :

Electric panel where you have to connect circuit
Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Faces-game090

Rotating panel where you have to exchange the position of part of rotating disks to make disk in the complete good color
Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Puzzle-one

I think these puzzles are good exemples of what to do : they are wellknown and will make the player feel being smart.
A good way to catch his attention ^_^
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Date d'inscription : 2016-11-28
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 6th May 2017, 11:14

I did something like the first picture above (with resistors) in Catyph, but the 2nd one with colors rotation is new for me.

I don't want to just copy/paste an existing idea, so if I can find a way I will adapt it differently.
Also I try to find puzzles that are easy/fast to program, because of limited time in the jam. These puzzles can be long to make because of all the possible states. I can try to simplify and change a few things. I like it!

Very helpful anyway! Wink thanks Yaz.
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by RogerCAKT 6th May 2017, 21:26

Like Yaz, I think that you need to look at creating a pathway of some sort. It could even be a type of maze? (see my ideas around Mind Map or Telepathic link -  this would/could be a maze you need to negotiate and to set up the link/map?) n.b. the brain’s physical structure looks a bit like a maze?

The concepts I was thinking about are based around some Blade Runner and other similar (Ghost in the shell?) ideas. Basically:

The hero is (supposedly) a humanoid. His/Her AI (DIAM) is either a Reploid, Replicant, or a separated Intellect/ID.

Regarding Reploid/Replicant the difference is a bit subtle. Basically, a Reploid is a Robotic/Cyborg entity that has the capability to empathise with a humanoid, whereas a Replicant has an emotional detachment. The Replicant’s detachment is of particular use where the Replicant (as in Blade Runner) is sent into a “War/Battle/Conflict” situation. The removal of any emotional potential leaves the Replicant focussed on achieving the “critical” tasks, without any concern for their actions. What happened in Blade Runner was that some Replicants became “corrupted” as their AI developed emotional/empathic capabilities. This made them, more realistically, Reploids who “experienced” emotions and feelings (such as Pain, Anger, Fear, etc.), but, because Replicants would ordinarily be built to be more “physically” capable (i.e. stronger, faster, heightened senses, etc.) than Reploids (who would be marginally stronger than humanoids), this made them more of a danger if they went “Rogue” (Terminator scenario?) and confronted Humanoids. Reploids would not ordinarily confront Humanoids, but would be assistant/supportive.

If DIAM is a “separated” Intellect/ID, that would make more sense in the scenario that you have outlined where He/She is “Inserted” into a mechanical probe, which is despatched into the ocean of Kel Leda. This would potentially have another (side) story if there was a Cyborg/Reploid “body” that DIAM leaves behind. (Would the body be a risk to the Hero if it became re-animated?)

My concepts were based upon the idea of “communication” based upon either a “Mind Map” or some form of “Telepathy” between the Hero and DIAM. In communications Theory there is the following:
1. A Message
2. This message is passed from A to B
3. On receipt B communicates with A and confirms what was in the message

So, there is a “Triangle” of Communication. This leaves open the possibility of any corruption of the message being reflected in the response from B back to A to confirm receipt of the message and its contents. This is where I felt that the Cube could come in. Radiation from the cube eventually corrupts the message enough from either the Hero or DIAM, to cause a “feedback loop” within the Mind Map or Telepathic Link, which effectively leads to a situation where the Hero and DIAM are uncertain who is who?

Bearing in mind that the “ocean” is effectively beneath the “ice”, there would be minimal or no light, combined with the fact that Kel Leda is a moon and, potentially, remote from any “sun/star”, I would even expect a total absence of “natural” light. This brought up ideas around Phosphorescence/Photoluminescence, where any artificial light sent out by the probe could possibly cause a chemical/biological reaction within the “Ocean”. In order for the hero to be able to determine what to do, some visibility would be required surely? So artificial light would have to be present.

This also led to a “visual” concept, where, suddenly, an huge “Eye” fills the viewer/screen. This is intended as a “shock” element that might have a spin-off for the gameplay?

If DIAM/The Probe are in darkness, this can also lead to a form of sensory deprivation, which could place both the Hero and DIAM at risk (their minds are effectively now linked) of losing their grip on reality and adversely affect their perception.

Regarding the reasoning for the Hero going there,

there have been several instances (particularly I believe in Siberia) where the decline in Permafrost has caused several deadly, but currently almost eradicated, diseases to suddenly reappear. What if, the Hero, who is a Scientist, is hoping to find some even older/more ancient pathogens in the “ocean” of the moon that he could potentially use to cause the re-appearing diseases to mutate into a safer condition? Passing Satellite telemetry could have identified the potential, in escaping steam/gas vented from the surface of the moon, for these to exist?

The cube, itself, could be carrying some of these pathogens, or be currently causing them to appear in the ocean?

As per usual some insane ramblings, but also some possibilities. Sorry. But concepts is my forte, not puzzle design
Super Icehouser

Messages : 1268
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Localisation : Ireland

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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 7th May 2017, 09:50

You always find incredible concepts Roger. Here I find that it was complicated for me to understand in English, but I think I got the main ideas. I was already thinking of similar themes (the Cube giving birth to pathogens in the ocean, a problem of communication between the hero and DIAM, the problem of the body of DIAM, etc.). But what you describe here is much deeper, and I like it. Thanks to you, I think I know exactly where to go now, it confirmed my direction! Probably not as elaborated as what you wrote above, but it will be more personal and, I hope, interesting enough to catch the attention of the player? Thanks also for the links. Well, thanks for all!

If everything goes well I should be able to begin the Jam soon. At least I can start to gather all ideas together by tomorrow, summarize, and get ready to produce the graphics by Tuesday. By the end of the week I could have the first pics to show?
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 8th May 2017, 15:12

As expected I could do a quick watercolor sketch. It is a view of planet Catyph seen from the surface of Kel Leda (a moon of Catyph).
Kel Leda is covered with thick ice, and it is supposed by Terran scientists that there is a vast liquid ocean under.

Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] 18174093337125548683

Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] File?h=10697931&i=1026786

Tomorrow I will try to share my first 3D works and to open a devlog on gamejolt. I don't know how long it will take to create and render the first pics...
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by RogerCAKT 8th May 2017, 15:17

Looking good Simon!
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Juanjo_LS 8th May 2017, 16:19

Looks amazing!

I can't wait to see the first images in 3D!!
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 9th May 2017, 13:56

A quick underwater painting. I don't think that the ocean of Kel Leda will look like this, but it was a good training.

This afternoon I start to work on the 3D.

Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Z9fd
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Juanjo_LS 9th May 2017, 15:24

Looks really nice!

I hope to see soon some images Wink
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 9th May 2017, 17:56

First screenshot in 3D! Modeling the spaceship:

Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] 5lw4

The events of Kel Leda take place before the events of Catyph. At that time, Terrans have not yet discovered the Blue Matter. Space missions are quiet rare and perillous, and only a few spaceships can travel very far into space.

The spaceship in Kel Leda is a nuclear propelled spaceship. The nuclear reactor is autonomous and powered by hydrogen reaction. Hydrogen is quite easy to find in space (there are hydrogen clouds in many solar systems). When the spaceship crosses such a cloud, the hydrogen is aspirated by the large opening at the front, and stocked in several ballons near the reactor. That kind of spaceship is usually called a Bussard type propulsion model.

In the game, the spaceship will be named Buzzard 1.

Tomorrow, first render! Then I work on the probe and the astronaut. Finally the interior of the ship. And I will be ready to develop the beginning of the game in Visionaire Smile
Soon I will open the devlog on GameJolt to share all these pics and info.

Then later in a few days, I hope to work on the surface of Kel Leda and make the first renders of the moon...
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Juanjo_LS 9th May 2017, 21:14

Thanks Simon for share your progress!

The model of the starship looks really good, and the story sounds great!

Great work!!
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 10th May 2017, 10:05

This is the first render for the beginning of the game

Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Ns4v
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Prom361 10th May 2017, 10:16

Surprised Surprised Surprised
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by RogerCAKT 10th May 2017, 10:19

Very Stylish!
Super Icehouser

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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Simon_Icehouse 10th May 2017, 11:08

Thanks! It's just for the intro. We won't see the spaceship so much I think.
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

Post by Juanjo_LS 10th May 2017, 16:21

WOW! Looks really good!
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-12
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Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon] Empty Re: Kel Leda (Adventure Jam 2017) [Simon]

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