The Icehouse collective Forums
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You've just registered? Welcome! What New Friends can do?

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 You've just registered? Welcome! What New Friends can do? Empty You've just registered? Welcome! What New Friends can do?

Post by Simon_Icehouse 26th April 2019, 09:51

1. About

Hi! If you are reading this, then you’re probably new to the Icehouse forums. This section of the forums is public. We have named it the “Friends” zone. Here we want our guests to be at ease and share their creations with us. You can simply talk with our Members and learn more about us, or you can introduce yourself and your projects in order to ask for advice or help. If you have been an active Friend and if we enjoy working together, then you can apply to become a permanent Member of the collective and get access to our private forums for more interaction!

2. What you can do?

There are 2 main categories for our Friends. Please take a quick look at this document to understand what you will find here, and how we can work with you. For us the most important category is Community, but if you want to learn more about us, you should keep an eye on the Icehouse part too!

The Icehouse


The Icehouse Admins and Members will use this place to share new releases, important news, etc.

Information and rules

This is a place where you can find out more about the way we work. There are documents such as this one. It will be updated from time to time.

Discord access

The collective is also on Discord! Access is provided on request. If you want to join us in our rooms, please ask!

Become a Member

You've been an active Friend and you think that at least one of your projects could benefit from our support? Here you can apply to become a permanent Member of the collective. Tell us why, exactly, and how we can help you! The Members will vote and, if you are accepted, you will get access to our Projects Incubator and more!


New here?

First of all, if you’ve just registered and we don’t know each other, we would recommend you introduce yourself with a quick presentation. Tell us more about yourself, your skills and your goals. If you are a creator, don’t forget to share some of your works. If you have work in progress, tell us where we can see it (website, demo…) and how we can help! It has to remain short and easy to read. You’ll have the opportunity to tell us more in the other categories of the forums...

Personal creations

This is exactly where you will have all the space you want to tell us about your projects! In this section, don’t worry about writing long or detailed messages, with plenty of links, pictures and videos. We’ll enjoy discovering your work. If you have questions or want our help, don’t forget to ask. Try to be as accurate as possible, in order to allow us to see exactly what you want. This category is totally dedicated to creation and helping each other, which is one of the main targets in the collective.

Game jams

Here we will all share together our game jam content. It can either be links to new game jams with a theme that you’re interested it: (in that case you share it with us to try to motivate some of us to get involved too), or it can be to show the result of your participation in a finished game jam: (in that case, don’t worry to give a summary of the theme of the game jam, the conditions in which it took place, and of course as much details as possible about your project!) Please don’t simply share a download link: - add pictures, a summary, if possible a video: make it look interesting to give us the motivation to try your game!

Games highlighted

In this category you can simply tell us anything about other games created outside of the collective. If there’s a great beautiful game that you loved we’ll be excited to discover it! If you found a game that is free and that we should really try, it’s the good place to share the info!

Other discussions

Of course there can be other matters that won’t fit in the previous categories. If you’re new and don’t know very well what you can do here, then don’t hesitate to ask. This category is for everything else, please make good use of it.

Top Member

Messages : 3656
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Age : 41
Localisation : France

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