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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Simon_Icehouse 4th February 2018, 14:13

I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Giphy

So far I loved all Amanita games (Machinarium, Samorost, Botanicula...), because they are clever, funny, full of details and animations, and always made with a lot of care. You probably didn't miss their next project Chuchel, did you? With a strange grumpy creature who seems to enjoy cherries... but always fails to eat them!

I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Giphy

I just wanted to remind all of you that this new adventure game is going to be released on March 7th (so yeah, very soon!), and I can't wait to play it!! The characters and animations are again very original, and everything looks very humorous. I let you enjoy some of the (many) gif animations that they shared during the past few months.
What do you think?

I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Giphy

I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Giphy

I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Giphy
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Age : 41
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by jacarvajal 4th February 2018, 16:07

Ah! I really enjoyed Machinarium when it came out! I have not played any of their other games, but I love the weird creatures. I will have to take some time and play it when it comes out.
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Yves_Icehouse 4th February 2018, 18:06

Nice, these guys really find there way in video game
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Josiah1221 4th February 2018, 21:47

I loved the other games, so definitely looking forward to this one Smile
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Simon_Icehouse 5th December 2018, 13:21

It might be late to talk of this game, but I could play it from time to time (as I said I enjoyed the previous games of Amanita), and I must say that I was a bit disapointed. It's not totally an adventure game (a little), but more something that relies on minigames / action / reactions.
Nevertheless the game is cute, silly and well animated and has a lot of potential. It's a bit short, but a good thing to try if you're tired of seeing always the games everywhere.

Just curious to know, several months after the release, did any of you try this game finally?
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by RogerCAKT 5th December 2018, 15:22

I like Amanita a lot, but never got around to this game.
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Josiah1221 5th December 2018, 21:58

I had actually forgotten about it, thanks for the reminder. Seems to be pretty short from what I've heard. Maybe I can catch it on sale sometime soon. Also, I'm looking forward to Amanita's next game. Looks to have more of a darker Machinarium feel to it.

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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Simon_Icehouse 6th December 2018, 11:23

I am curious about it too, but I'm a little bit worried to be honnest. It cannot be played with mouse (it's not a point and click anymore) and the character animation looks a bit rigid sometimes. It's also the first time that the hero is a 'realistic' human, I don't know what it will result in. But of course I'm very interested by this game. I'm just a bit more cautious after Chuchel!
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by RogerCAKT 6th December 2018, 11:56

Visually it looks very interesting for sure. I'm a bit disappointed that you cannot use a mouse - maybe users could "pressurise" Amanita about that?

Let's see what finally arrives?
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Localisation : Ireland

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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Josiah1221 24th December 2018, 02:59

Wow, have you guys seen what happened with Chuchel. What's the world coming to when a black dust bunny offends people? SMH!
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by RogerCAKT 24th December 2018, 10:14

Here we go again Social Media to the destruction of common sense and "Reality"?
Super Icehouser

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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Localisation : Ireland

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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Simon_Icehouse 24th December 2018, 11:16

My series of scifi games is named "Black" Cube... I hope it won't be seen as racism!
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by RogerCAKT 24th December 2018, 16:20

Maybe it should be labelled as:

"Dark (no offence intended), i.e the absolute opposite of white (i.e. of the very darkest colour owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white.Definition - Wikipedia) Cube" This description only relating to the perceived colour of a inanimate object (cube) that is viewed (in the humanoid visual spectrum) as black" This does not imply that all cubes are "black", but relates only to the current "Hypothetical" cube that is mentioned within the "Fictionalised" series that is nominally called "The Black Cube".

The Author would like to submit that any potential concerns should potentially be addressed by submitting an EU 254.AB.Section 31.2.a form to Mr Donald Trump, C/o The White House, Washington D.C. together with a "non-disclosable" payment of a minimum of $2.5m marked as "Payable Cash" to The Trump Foundation (All contributions gratefully received). Alternatively Break Wind (very loudly) consume vast amounts of Alcohol (please follow your local advices/tendencies) and enjoy every moment that Christmas can bring.

Lunatic (certfied).
Super Icehouser

Messages : 1268
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
Localisation : Ireland

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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Simon_Icehouse 24th December 2018, 21:58

Ahah really good Roger! (I should copy/paste it to the Black Cube site lol)

My Christmas Eve dinner is finished, it was nice. I hope you all had a great time! Tomorrow the presents under the tree. Have a good time everyone! See you soon Wink
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Date d'inscription : 2015-10-11
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

Post by Josiah1221 25th December 2018, 00:44

Merry Christmas everyone! Very Happy
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Date d'inscription : 2017-04-04
Age : 44
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I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita) Empty Re: I'm looking forward to play Chuchel! (Amanita)

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